Saturday, July 25, 2009

When baby teeth fall, does molers fall, too?

Does moler teeth fall too. And at what age? Because someone told me, it break later in life -- like 24, 29.

When baby teeth fall, does molers fall, too?
The baby teeth are replaced by adult teeth at different times from ages 7-12. The first molars come in around 6 years old, the second molars come in around 12 years old, and the third molars, or wisdom teeth, come in sometime between 17-21 years old or sometimes not at all because they are sometimes impacted (stuck in the bone) and they are the most commonly genetically missing teeth. Here's a chart to reference:
Reply:yes all baby teeth fall at a similiar time. WISDOM teeth come in later in life (meaning your twenties)
Reply:No, the molar teeth do not fall out. Only the baby teeth fall out, nothing else does. Adult teeth, like the wisdom teeth, may be pulled out for necessary reasons, but they are not made to fall out.


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