Friday, July 31, 2009

Do kittens lose thier baby teeth like dogs do? I just found a tooth!?

I just found a tooth in my bed next to where my 5 moths old kitty was sleeping. I checked her mouth and it appears to be one of her back teeth. Im assuming this is normal, but I would like to double check. Im sure Im just being a paranoid mom.

Do kittens lose thier baby teeth like dogs do? I just found a tooth!?
Yes. I had 4 kittens who all lost their baby teeth at one point. I was only able to find two of them. I have no idea where the others went, maybe they swallowed them. It's totally normal and I think it's cute.
Reply:Yep, they change the babyteeth around that age. Don't worry, she'll grow the new ones soon.

Take care of her!
Reply:Yes they do, between 5-7 months old.
Reply:yes they do

I found a tooth too
Reply:Yes! They do lose teeth. I am at that stage with my kitten too. Except it's loose right now but hasn't fallen out. It freaks me out though because I never seen any of my cats actually lose a tooth before. Plus my kittens breath smells like I hope he's not having problems.
Reply:Our little kitten lost a tooth too my sister found it i think its normal .dont worry put it under her kitty pillow so the kitty tooth fairy can leave her a kitty treat lol
Reply:Kittens start to lose their baby teeth at about 3-3.5 months old, and usually have all of their adult teeth fully erupted by 6-7 months old. They lose their incisors (front teeth) first, then the canines (fangs )come in, and last the molars (back teeth), so it sounds like your cat is right on schedule :)
Reply:well at least you found it, my kitten lost hers when she was munching on my finger one day...I took my hand away after a particularly nasty bite and the tooth was stuck in my finger....very not fun. so yeah it's normal.
Reply:Yes... kittens loose their "baby teeth" just like us. I know how you feel - I too freaked out when this happened to one of my cats ohhhh eons of years ago when I didn't know cats have baby teeth too.

skin cancer

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