Saturday, July 25, 2009

Grayish baby teeth?

My friend's daughter is 8 months and has 7 teeth out. All of her teeth have a blackish/gray coloring along the gum line. It doesn't look like decay, more like a chalky streak. She is going to the dentist in three weeks, but just wondering if anyone has experienced this and what was the cause, and was it removable? She is breast feeding, but also supplements with formula....

Grayish baby teeth?
I had similar problems with my permanent teeth. The enamel did not develop properly due to a medication I was given as an infant (rest assured, they stopped using it 20 years ago). I suppose it could be possible that a similar chemical was ingested by your friend when she was pregnant.

Another explanation I have seen all over the internet, though I don't know how much credence to give it, is flouride overdose. The theory is that the extra flouride in the water (which we didn't have 30 years ago), combined with flouride toothpaste causes an overdose which can adversely affect the development of teeth. Again, I didn't get this one from a reputable source, but I thought I should share anyway with reservations about accuracy.

Good luck. I am sure the dentist will give your friend real answers and a solution.
Reply:dont use formula
Reply:it sounds like what we used to call..bottle rot, in other words, baby falls to sleep w/bottle in mouth..typically the bottle has a bit of milk or juice. Not good. always use water so little one's teeth dont decay....p.s.%26gt;%26gt;lets hope i'm wrong. SQ
Reply:maybe they are becoming bad

keep brushing
Reply:not enough fluoride.

dentist will give you some fluoride pills

write poetry

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