Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm 14, I've lost 14 teeth and have 14 baby teeth left. I haven't lost any teeth since i was..(read below)

Havent lost any teeth since i was 11. im 14. and still have half my teeth to lose. im a little worried because all my friends at my age have lots all or a vast majority of their teeth. and i know everyone is different but yeah. my brother who is 12 has lost more teeth than me. I read somewhere that jaw growth problems can effect how your teeth grow ie overbites and like messy teeth, but could it affect how my teeth fall out? my jaw clicks when i open it and it is sore and has been for 2 or 3 years. i have heard there is braces or headgear you can get to correct jaw problems but does anyone know if it can help in my case? or if it could affect my teeth growth?

I'm 14, I've lost 14 teeth and have 14 baby teeth left. I haven't lost any teeth since i was..(read below)
we only have 20 baby teeth. u probably have 6 baby teeth left, which is still unusual at your age. u'll need to go c the dentist. he will probably refer u to an orthodontist.

Oral Health Topics A–Z

Tooth Eruption Charts


Additional Resources

Overview—Tooth Development

Teeth vary in size, shape and their location in the jaws. These differences enable teeth to work together to help you chew, speak and smile. They also help give your face its shape and form.

At birth people usually have 20 primary (baby) teeth, which often erupt about six months of age. They are then shed at various times throughout childhood. By age 21, all 32 of the permanent teeth have usually erupted.

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Additional Resources

Eruption Animation

Primary Teeth/Permanent Teeth/Tooth Eruption Animation

Eruption Charts

Primary Teeth Eruption Chart

Permanent Teeth Eruption Chart

Download the following eruption charts:

Primary Teeth Eruption Chart | PDF file/403k

Permanent Teeth Eruption Chart | PDF file/163k

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Please note
Reply:if problems still occur. dentists will eventually pull them
Reply:I can't really understand what your getting at but my advice for you is to go to the doctor/dentist, not ask a bunch of strangers on the net.
Reply:i think you need your dentist for this one

%26lt;3 BRiTiSH BABE
Reply:i would get that checked coz my friend had an adult tooth popping out of her gum. it was horrific and extremely gross. go to the dentist
Reply:The only good resolve for this is to go to the dentist!
Reply:The only person to be able to really help you will be your dentist. Your dentist will take x-rays to see exactly what is going on with your teeth/gums/jaws/.

If there is a problem with the way your teeth are coming in, he may want to pull your baby teeth (it will be painless, you will be numbed). Or he may refer you to an orthodontist. Or he may say you are just a late-bloomer, tooth-wise that is.

Either way, go to the dentist, just to get a professional opinion %26amp; put your mind at ease. Especially if you are experiencing pain. 'Pain" is a sign our bodies give us to tell us something is not as it should be. Listen to your body.

Good luck !
Reply:Please make an appointment at the dentist tell them your concerns they can take a full mouth xray and identify if you are having any problems when I was young my wisdom teeth was not coming in when everyone my age where, and it was hurting, I went to the dentist and they had to cut all four of my wisdom teeth out because they where going in the opposite way. Was not painful and did OK no more pain. So the point is to all of this go to the dentist they are the only ones who can discover what's going on.
Reply:To start with 8 of the teeth you think are baby teeth are permanent, four 6yr molars and four 12 year molars. Only Dental x-rays will identify the remaining teeth and if and when they should be removed. Make an appointment asp.


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