Friday, July 31, 2009

How early can ur baby teeth?

my son is 3 months and im wonderin if its too early for him to teeth i mean i teethed this young when i was little but im a first time parent and im wonderin if he is hes been drooling alot and he cries in his sleep he wakes himself up and hes been fussier than usual...and if he is what can i do for him?

How early can ur baby teeth?
It is considered normal for teething to start any time between 3 months and 12 months of age.

Here some things you can do to soothe him.

♥ Use baby Orajel to numb his gums, not too much. Use about the size of this o. Too much can numb the babys throat and cause him to choke on his own saliva.

♥ Give him a cold damp washcloth to chew and suck on;

♥ freeze a teething ring for him to chew on;

♥ put a spoon in the freezer and then rub theback of it on his gum, this provides temporary gum numbing;

♥ rubbing a clean finger gently but firmly over your baby's sore gums can ease the pain temporarily, too.

If these methods aren't working, some doctors recommend giving a teething baby a small dose of children's pain reliever such as infants' acetaminophen — but check with your doctor before giving your baby any medication. (Never give your baby aspirin or even rub it on his gums to ease the pain. The use of aspirin in children is associated with Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition.)
Reply:Sounds about right, to me. My children all started teething at 3 months.

Have a look at this gums and see if you can see any lumps showing as the teeth push through. You can go to your chemist and ask what they recommend. It can be very painful, but there are plenty of baby medicines available.

Your answer lies in why he is drooling a lot. So I think you're on the right track.
Reply:Teething depends on each child.But the majority i know begins at 5 months.Let this not worry you.
Reply:Some babies are born with teeth (its rare but happens) my youngest was 10 weeks when he cut his first tooth and in that week he cut 3 yes 3!!
Reply:Here is my rule, babies begin 'teething' when they are born, obviously no teeth appear from some time yet, but they are growing and working their way up, so there is no 'too soon' for teething.

What you discribed sounds exactly like teething, here are a few age appropriet suggestions.

-No oraljel, this has more negative effects including gagging, choking, biting of the tongue and cheeks, etc

-No pain medication unless your doctor tell you to, as baby is only 3 months old.

-Use wet wash cloths placed in the fridge or freezer, allow baby to chew and suck on them.

-Offer your clean finger for baby to chew on, or apply pressure where you think baby is teething (most likely bottom front at this age, but try the top as well).

-Raise babies mattress by about 2-4 inches to reduce the amount of weight placed on the face.

-Offer comfort in the form of cuddle, touch and breastfeeding.

-Movement helps so so much, specially when you don't or cannot give your baby pain medication. Get moving, get dancing and pain will be forgotten.

When baby gets a little older you can try

-Raw carrots with supervision

-Any hard vegetable, try freezing for extra numbing

-All natural teething tablettes available at health food shops

-Clove extract by boiling in water

-Wash cloths again frozen now

-Any of the above in combination.

Best wishes


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