Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When did you baby get teeth ?

my son is 10 months old and still No teeth . He is alreadt on solid foods and dose very well gumming them but their are some things i have to keep from him, because i am scared to death of him choking . he dont any baby food , started refusing it over a month ago . Any meal ideas would be great also

When did you baby get teeth ?
It varies. My daughter got hers at 5 mos. her brothers around 10. The pediatrician told me that teeth that come in later are usually healthier. They'll peek out before the first birthday. Don't worry.


Didn't see the second half of your question... suggestions below are very good. Mine loved oatmeal and cream of wheat mixed with applesauce or some mash banana. Cheerios- the plain ones, are very good for developing fine motor skills because they really have to concentrate and use their fingers to pick them up. They melt in their mouth.

Avoid hard fruits and veggies but I did boil carrots and bake apples and Cinnamon and cut them into bite size pieces. Good Luck!
Reply:My daughter did not have a tooth until she was a little over a year old. They say the older they are when they get teeth the stronger and healthier they will be.

Soft foods

Scrambled eggs, pancakes, banana, hot cereal, yogurt, pasta, soups, etc.
Reply:Ummm.... my sister got her first teeth about 10 months, and there hard to see at first the just poke right throught and if you look closly in your baby's mouth at the gum on the bottom in the front, you may be able to see them poke up. Also try giving him things to naw on and that might break them through. Also if your baby is drooling a lot that means he's teatthing. Great meals.... Well theres these Gerber cracker and they melt, or make them softer when they go into your mouth, and you can't choke on them, my sister Loves them, I do to and I am a teenager =D Well Good Luck
Reply:my 3 year old first got his at his first year, my second son, (9mons.) got his first at 4 months. has 4 on top, 3 on bottom. even thiugh he has a few already, im still a little scared of him choking on food, cause he still dodesnt mash with his gums very good, hes still learning. i just mash all his vegatables to a purreed textures
Reply:my oldest was 5 months and my youngest was 6 months
Reply:7 months and now she's 14 months and have 8 teeth

auto financing

What makes a baby's teeth decay?

my baby is 7 months old and doesnt have teeth. sometimes at night he will have the bottle in his mouth, is that gonna cause him damage right now or will it later?

What makes a baby's teeth decay?
Burp! Bad oral health.
Reply:The baby tooth rot is caused by babies falling asleep with bottles of formula or juice in their mouth. It is okay for a baby to go to sleep with a bottle of water.

If your baby doesn't have teeth yet, you don't have to worry.
Reply:I personally would not give the baby a milk bottle at night so as not to get the baby "hooked" on this method in order to calm down and fall asleep.

I bottle of water is fine if you really need it, but nothing is better.

He should be getting his teeth soon.

A friend's daughter had all of her teeth rot out

and by age 5 or so, the dentist had to put baby caps on all of her teeth!
Reply:yeah thats not good. the worse thing is when they fall asleep with a bottle or sippy cup with milk or juice. It would be good if you could get him use to water at night time. I did that with my 2nd child and she adapted well. My first was addicted to milk and I was worried about his teeth so with her I nipped that milk thing before it started.
Reply:BOTH! Trust me, I know this first hand, I myself am a mommy of 3 and, I have a niece whom always went to bed with a bottle at about that age as well and she lost ALL of her front teeth. They completly rotted. She was only 15months old when she had such poor teeth. I know we all like the idea of our babies finally holding their own bottles, so now at night we think we can get a break and just lay them down with a bottle and they will fall asleep. Well I know for a fact that a child going to bed with a bottle or a sippy cup will end up with rotten teeth. You should also make sure your brushing their teeth!! Also laying a child down with a bottle can also cause ear infections because the milk leaks into the ear tubes (inside) and cause major ear infections. Trust me, it may sound great to be able to take the easy way for a change, but it will be twice the work in the end, and your baby will be the one to suffer.
Reply:You should never let your baby sleep with a bottle. That will cause damage to his/her gums which prevent teeth from coming in and it will rot any teeth that are there. Just think if you didn't take care of your teeth and they started to get black and fall out. The damage starts at the gums and works its way to your teeth. Same way for a baby. Teeth won't come in because the gums are not healthy. Hope this helps.
Reply:Yes it can the sugar in the juice or milk can eat at his teeth at night and that is what happened to my husband when he was little, he had caps on all of his teeth. Today he has many cavaties and has many root canals. I was never sent to bed with a bottle, i have never had a problem with my baby teeth and to this date (am 32) I still do not have a single cavity
Reply:Tooth decay can't happen unless there are teeth, but you want to start off when good dental habits early so you won't have to break bad habits later. When happens is sugars (or the starches in starchy food) from food stay on the teeth and provide food for bacteria. The bacteria cause the tooth decay. This is why it is so important to brush their teeth after meals and before bedtime. If there is water in the bottle, this won't cause problems. Formula will cause problems. Breast milk does not cause tooth decay. It has antibacterial components in it. However, breast milk mixed with a little bit of food will cause tooth decay so it is really important to brush their teeth well.
Reply:Remove it now. Even milk will rot teeth out, purely doing what you are doing. We see many children with exactly the same problem. Your child will have black stumps which look awlful and will require a general anaesthetic to remove all the decayed teeth. Then there will be possibly problems with the second teeth, as the first teeth provide spacing for permanent teeth to come through. Common probelm which is fully preventable.
Reply:Talk to your pediatrician about fluoride drops. Doctors usually prescribe these when your baby is born. Also do not give your baby soda or sugary things like Koolaid , these aid in tooth decay. At 7 months old you should introduce the sippy cup to your baby. Also, talk this over with your pediatrician maybe he can steer you in the right direction to preventing your baby to get tooth decay.

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When did you baby get teeth ?

my son is 10 months old and still No teeth . He is alreadt on solid foods and dose very well gumming them but their are some things i have to keep from him, because i am scared to death of him choking . he dont any baby food , started refusing it over a month ago . Any meal ideas would be great also

When did you baby get teeth ?
My son was almost 7 months. But it is actually better for them to get there teeth later because if you think about it the longer they have their teeth the easier it'll be for them to decay before they loose them and get new teeth. I know many ppl this has happened to also. One girl had teeth at 3 months. And her two front teeth ended up grayish. and she did take care of her teeth. So don't worry about that. He can handle it. cause most babies can't get the food back there til they're are able to handle it...if that makes any sence...
Reply:My son got his first tooth when he was four months old. My nephew, though, didn't get his until he was about a year old. Each child is different. I wouldn't worry right now. Mash up anything that is soft. Even when they do have teeth, you have to be careful about it. Mine had teeth but he didn't know how to use them right! good for everyone. but if i were u, i would bring him to the pediatrician just in case...
Reply:take your time in feeding him to prevent choking, plus give him small niblets to chew. give it to him but be careful not to make your child obese. Obesity is crucial in our world. so dont feed him high in fats and sugars . train him to like fruits and veggies, and drink more water to juices.

good luck
Reply:My son just cut his first tooth this past Friday. He'll be 5 months old on Wednesday.

My best friends son didn't get his first teeth until he was almost a year old.

It varies for each child, don't worry! :)
Reply:Mine had 2 teeth by the 2nd month and 4 by 5 months old.... a friend of mine's child didnt have any teeth until he was 13 months old. I had to introduce foods to my son very slowly, mostly formula mixed with a little cereal, spoon fed... had to do that for almost a month before he would even try to swallow it. Maybe try adding some fruit juice to it to make cereal tasty and make it way too watery to choke on until he gets the hang of swallowing. GOOD LUCK and congrats on your son!
Reply:My son is 7 months old and no teeth yet. All of my other kids were around 12-14 months old before getting teeth.
Reply:About fourty -fiveyears ago .
Reply:I agree that it just varies with children. My oldest didn't teeth until she was over eight months old. And, her younger brother and sister were six and five months respectively. Honestly, the later they get them the better. Because, it usually means that a child will keep their baby teeth longer and the teeth tend to be stronger. That's just my opinion!
Reply:don't give him food that has to be chewed. Ask his PhD next time you see him.
Reply:my son is starting now to get his teeth and he is 6month old sometimes it takes time for a child to get mom told me i got my first teeth when i was 1year old.u just take care of him not to chok . to avoisd choking u can try and give him sweet potatoes,potatoes,mince meat cooked then he might not chok and after every meal give him water or freshmilk.
Reply:My sons was about 7 months old now is 9 with 5 teeth..Think about this..Their front teeth come in first and so on..babies dont chew with their front teeth they gum son may have 5 teeth but when it comes to eating they are not much help since he uses the back part to chew....he eats alot of things but also eats his baby food still....



brown rice

fruits smashed





veggies smashed or cut in small pieces
Reply:At 7mths. I think they check if still no teeth sometime after 12mths, to make sure the teeth are formed inside the gums. Some babies don't have teeth formed at all, but most are perfectly normal %26amp; they come through eventually.
Reply:my son got 2 teeth within a week of each other right after he turned 6 months old....
Reply:Every child is different, some may get theirs early while others don't get their first tooth up until about a year, it really depends. It has also been said that the timing the baby gets his/her first tooth depends on when the mother or father got theirs. My daughter started showing signs of teething at around 4 months old (drooling ALOT and sticking everything in her mouth) well she is now 7 months old and still has not gotten her first tooth. Some babies don't show any signs at all while others show every single sign just like some babies take a while to break there first teeth while other babies break one over night.The average baby usually pops his/her first tooth at around 7 months. If your baby has not gotten any teeth by the time he/she is a year then it's best you speak with his/her doctor. Hope i helped!
Reply:My daught will be a year next month. She started cutting her teeth at 2 1/2 months old. She already has 10 teeth. A lot of sleepless night here. I bought this item from Babies R Us. It is a mesh ring that you can out food in to help prevent choking. It works wonders.


How long after a baby's teeth break the skin do they come in completely?

My baby girl is just over 5 months old. She has been showing signs of teething for quite some time and just in the last few days I have noticed that her bottom teeth have moved their way to the surface and one of them has started to break through. Just curious - now that this tooth is breaking the surface, how long before it comes in completely? Its been a couple days and it doesn't seem to be coming up any further. I'm a first time mom, so no experience with this!

How long after a baby's teeth break the skin do they come in completely?
I first noticed my daughters first tooth about 9 days ago and it is still not all the way out, and now she is getting a second.

I guess it would take a couple of weeks?!
Reply:about 8 months thats what my cousins baby did
Reply:I'm not sure how long it takes after it breaks the skin because once that happened my baby was much happier and we stopped paying attention! The worst is the couple of days leading up to that.

My son had 2 teeth break through about 3 weeks ago, and they're still not as far down as the other 4 he has... I'm not sure if that is normal or not, but thats my experience.


Can my baby developed teeth at her age?

My baby girl is 2 months old, she has all the "symptoms" of developing teeth, her stool is bright yellow, smelly, she drools alot, and her gums are swollen. She is very much more developed for her age, at 4 weeks she could have lift her head and she is already smiling and making laughing noises. Could this be possible???????

Can my baby developed teeth at her age?
Yes of course it is possible but being more developed in other areas doesn't affect at all when the teeth come in. Sometimes a baby will show signs of teething months ahead of when they get their first tooth, so you just never know. If she gets a tooth now, it's not unheard of. Some babies are actually born with a tooth, although thats rare. I myself, got my first tooth around 2 mths.
Reply:i don't think your daughters teeth will be coming out yet. at her age babies teeth and have very smelly doodoo. =) she growing normally
Reply:It's possible. I have a cousin that was born with two teeth. I am not lying.
Reply:everything sounds the same as my 4mth old and she isn't teething. Some babies are born with teeth
Reply:my daughter had all the symptoms and was very well developed also at this age.

shes now six months old and still has not teeth though.
Reply:I won't say it's impossible as some babies teeth very very early but around this age it is normal for babies to drool and have bright yellow smelly stools.

Some babies' teeth move up and down in the gums for a while before they pop through. This may also be the case.
Reply:Firstly, my baby lifted his heap up for the first time even when was 4 weeks old, cos he slept on his tummy, when he upset he used to try to lift up his head :p

Anyway..... about teeth, i just went to a doctor to check up my baby whether he is teething or not... then i got a booklet which says ... there are cases where even a newborn born with a pair of teeth ... normally teeth grow between 6 - 3 years ... but there is always exceptional
Reply:Sure she can, some babies are even born with teeth. You should find out when you 1st got teeth and your husband too. Babies usually take after their parents in the teething department.
Reply:Anything is possible! It could go away though!

My baby boy started teething around 3 months, he drooled ALL the time and his gums were always swollen.. but then the swelling went down. Hes been drooling ever since, and still no teeth!

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When did your baby grow teeth?

My daughter is 10 months and she does not have any teeth yet, so when did your baby cut her first tooth?

When did your baby grow teeth?
My nephew cut his first around 6 months, now he is 10 months and he has three. Your daughter is perfectly normal, though. My nephews ped. said that some kids don't get any teeth until 15 months. They will come in on their own time.
Reply:6-8 mo
Reply:my son just turned 7 months and has 1 tooth and 2 in the works. once they start getting them, it takes no time at all for others to start popping up.
Reply:11 months old
Reply:My son cut his first tooth at 5months and he's currently cutting his 4th one. He turned 7months old on November 2nd.
Reply:my sisters teeth came out when she was 8 months I think that your kid is fine
Reply:Both my girls did at 4 1/2 months.
Reply:My son did not get a tooth until he was almost 11 months old.
Reply:My daughter got her first around like 9 months then right after that the one right next to it on the bottom came in then absolutely nothing after that.Yesterday was her first birthday and she had the top two pop in yesterday what a nice birthday present :)
Reply:around 9 months i believe... don't worry, i was scared about my daughters too. All her cousins were growing teeth as early as 5 months and she was still w/o any... even the cousins younger than her had teeth!!

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Do you brush your baby's teeth?

My dentist told me that I have to brush my baby's teeth every night. She's ten months, and has 5 teeth right now. But it's hard to brush them at night, because she always falls asleep while nursing, and also, she still nurses at night quite often.

How important is it to brush their teeth at this age?

Do you brush your baby's teeth?
It's pretty important, but I had that same problem with my babies too so I talked to my dentist, and my paediatric dentist about it. They told me that breastmilk isn't as damaging to teeth as bottle feeding or eating solids is, because most of the milk goes straight down the throat, rather than sitting in the mouth bathing the teeth. Plus the antibiotic qualities of breastmilk can prevent most of the elements that cause tooth decay from reproducing.

Also seeing as my babies fed often overnight, even once they had teeth, my dentists felt that cleaning the teeth after every feed was just not feasible, and that I should just aim to clean their teeth with a wet washcloth after the first morning feed, at lunchtime and after tea/just before bedtime feed.
Reply:you need to start. i did not use to brush my baby's teeth and two days ago the doc told me that i can start, she even gave me a cute little toothbrush. or if you want you can wipe her teeth with a little washcloth just to keep them clean.
Reply:if her bedtime routine is set, try brushing her teeth earlier in the evening... like after supper or during bath time.

It is important to clean their teeth, but even if you're not very successful, you are teaching her that it is part of her night time routine... and that will last a life time (hopefully)
Reply:I brush my 6 month olds teeth once a day. They have little finger tooth brushes at the store. He LOVES it and it feel great on his gums.
Reply:Do what your dentist says he/she is the professional not us
Reply:We got our daughter a very soft small toothbrush when she was 6 months old; even before she had any teeth. I would give her the toothbrush when she was sitting in the bath tub to chew on. After she had two teeth we got her infant toothpaste from Wal-Mart(I believe its called oral-b) I still let her brush her teeth at night in the tub %26amp; sometimes during the day while she is sitting down %26amp; my husband or I supervise her. She absolutely loves to do it %26amp; the toothpaste tastes fruity. It's a fight to get the toothbrush from her when she is done, LOL! Our dentist told us it was very important that we brush her teeth from the first sign of her first tooth. As long as it gets done once a day I don't think it really matters what time of day it is. Hope I helped!!!
Reply:its very important to start brushing their teeth. i started brushing my sons teeth as soon as he got about 3 teeth. they have kits at the store which are like a sleeve that goes over your finger and its meant to rub there gums and the few teeth they have. it keeps their teeth healthy and gums.
Reply:and a side note to al of this, it's a good idea 4 all parents with very little ones to start "brushing" their gums. yes gums, i've read in several places to simply take some gauze of even a baby cloth and rub their gums to clean them. it's good for them in all aspects, such as getting the baby used to someone cleaning the inside of their mouths!
Reply:it is very important they are gonna have those teeth for the next 5-9 years..they need to be brushed....even if you brush them before you nurse her for the last time before bed will be better than not at all.
Reply:We always brush our daughter's teeth before she nurses down. According to research, breastmilk *can* interact with bacteria and other food particles to contribute to infant caries, however if you brush your child's teeth before she nurses you are helping to clean away the problem materials, so to speak. Milk directly from the breast also doesn't pool in the mouth like the contents of a bottle would. This is another reason it isn't as much of a concern to nurse after brushing as compared to bottle-feeding after brushing.

What has worked for me is to include a tooth-swipe after meals. I will wipe her down and use the facecloth to wipe her teeth off. Then we'll also brush with a real toothbrush 2ce a day. At 6 months, I started off with a tooth swab similar to this: Ask your dentist, he may be able to provide you with one (ours did) A great brush for when baby can hold it her self (like now) is this one: Just remember not to use a flouride toothpaste until your daughter is old enough to keep from swallowing it - sometime around 2 or 3.
Reply:Brush them before that last feed - then you have cleaned all that she has eaten during the day and what little sugars etc there is in the milk will be minimal on her teeth all night.

I think it's important to begin looking after their little brand new teeth as soon as they get them - it also builds up familiarity with the brushing process and develops good habits.

However, you have reminded me i forgot to do my 8 month old's tonight :-/
Reply:Yes, it is very important to brush your baby's teeth, but you can do it before you nurse her to sleep. Numerous studies have shown that breastmilk is not cariogenic except in the presence of other food. You should also try to brush her teeth during the day as well.

There is also no link between breastfeeding at night or extended breastfeeding and early dental caries. There were some earlier studies that showed such a link but they were flawed. Some extracted the lactose from breastmilk and just exposed teeth in the lab to that, well obviously that's not what happens in the real world. Also unlike a bottle breasts don't drip and leave pools of liquid in the baby's mouth. Breastmilk has also been shown to help remineralize tooth enamel.

However ultimately there are many other factors at play in determining if your baby will get cavities. Tooth brushing in toddlers is a relatively new phenomenon and so are cavities in toddlers. No one is really quite sure why but it is probably because of changes in diet and changes in the bacteria that cause caries.

Some of the studies are discussed and linked to here:

I have more if you are are interested. I have been arguing with dentists for months now about my son's cavities. Ultimately I have just given up - I know what's right for my family, I've read the research and even if breastmilk did cause cavities in some at risk babies that hardly outweighs the benefits of breastfeeding and even night-feeds.

At the very least brushing her teeth now *might* make her more accepting of it in the long term.
Reply:yeah i hear it alot that u should brush those first teeth,,, i never did and they were fine!

i started when they were around 2, xxxxxxxxx cos its not like they ate lollies and sweets


Brushing your baby's teeth?

Does anyone know if you really need to use the baby toothpaste when you first start brushing your baby's teeth? I have been trying to use it but my son HATES it. He doesn't have any problems when I just use his toothbrush and water.

Brushing your baby's teeth?
water would be fine, my peditricain told me not to worry about it just make sure he rinsed good with water before bed. my son really likes the oral b banana strawberry flavored baby toothpaste.
Reply:use any tooth paste, it shouldn't matter. with his permission of course.LOL
Reply:I asked my son's maternal health child nurse about this a while ago, she told me not to use tooth past until they are old enough to know how to spit it out (around 3 years). She told me for the time being (my son is 18 months) it is enough just to give his teeth a wipe over with a cloth during bath time and start brushing with no toothpaste at around 24 months. Hope this helps.
Reply:You are supposed to use a pea size drop of regular toothpaste..
Reply:there are a wonderful variety of baby toothpastes out there. try a little kids one like kids oral-b. but ask your dentist before trying it.
Reply:My four year old sister uses normal tooth paste, as she has been since age two! She just uses Kids Crest. It works fine!


Help! My baby's teeth are blueberry stained!?

My 8 month old baby loves blueberries....little did I know that this was staining the only 2 teeth he has....I brush them and rub them with a cloth and the stains on the back of his teeth will not come off....Can anyone offer a suggestion?

Help! My baby's teeth are blueberry stained!?
Get an infant toothbrush and training toothpaste. It has no fluoride in it so it is safe for them to swallow it.
Reply:those teeth are going to fall out anyways...
Reply:Try mixing a little baking soda and water to make a paste.I'm sure it won't taste to good but I think that it will work!
Reply:Get a cloth...put some peroxide on it....just make it don't want him to swallow this...but rub his teeth with this....I brush my teeth with peroxide when I eat blueberry pancakes...but I am an adult and know not to I caution you with this advice...just dampen the cloth.
Reply:Take PICTURES! It's adorable! And they're not going to stay that way long. Within a few hours, even over night it will fade and they'll return to their normal pearly white. Until then don't freak, just take pictures! It'll make a great page in your family photo album titled "Babies First Blueberries!!" Years down the road you'll all have a great laugh at this, although now I'm sure you and baby are stressed out. Don't torture him any more with trying to scrub his little mouth out. Just give him something to drink and wait it out. ;o)
Reply:Have the baby wear blue clothes so it can match it's teeth.....?


Can you breastfeed a baby with teeth?

Can you breastfeed a baby when they are teething or teeth have come through? And what is the chance that a baby will bite your nipple, instead of suckling?

Has anyone ever breastfed a baby that has teeth?

Can you breastfeed a baby with teeth?
Yep 2 of my 3 children. My oldest didn't bite but once, I jumped in pain and she never did it again, I breastfeed her for 17 months, my youngest I had to stop at 11 months, because she would bite and pull. So, if the baby has teeth and bites try pulling the nipple out of its mouth and saying "no". Sometimes you just have to stop if it gets uncomfy for you. By the time they get teeth, breastfeeding has done it's part in building your babys immune system, of course longer the better though.
Reply:yeah cuz they suck and don't bite down. That's what my doctor told me when I told her that I was gonna stop breastfeeding when he gets teeth.
Reply:They just showed a lady still breast feeding her 18 month old on the Nanny show! I've heard of women breast feeding their 5 yr old, so yes you can breast feed children with teeth!
Reply:You can breastfeed, but it can hurt!
Reply:Yes you can. My girlfriend bf until her son was over two years old.
Reply:Yes, I did because my little girl was actually born with teeth. She only bit a couple of times which hurt like hell but that did not happen often.
Reply:yes you can...they learn not to bite...i think i was bitten maybe twice...and i yelled--so he really never bit me again

Some babies get teeth really early but don't give up! You and the baby will both adapt!
Reply:My step sister and my mother both breastfed, my sister had teeth coming in early and she bit my mother a few times. It is possible to breastfeed a child with teeth in fact some mothers do it until they are ready to be weened which is usually around 16 to 18 months. My son who is 16 months is still on the bottle. Personally I don't breastfeed because it hurts to much.
Reply:Absolutely! Many countries breastfeed children beyond the toddler years. Yes - I have breastfed a child with a mouth full of teeth. She did bite me twice but I survived. It was worth it for the security of her continued nutrition. I pulled her off my breast and in a calm voice, said "ouch that hurts mommmy". Interrupting breastfeeding will give your little the message that biting results in stopping feeding.
Reply:YES you can -they might during or nip or sometimes bite.

you just remove your nipple - look them in the eye and say - NO... don't bite. Say it firmly - then resume nursing.

It is like teaching them anything else - after a while they will learn that if they bite or nip they will lose it - and they really dint want that.

I nursed 3 of mine through teething - there were painful moments but for the most part - not as bad as you might think.
Reply:you can but it will hurt.
Reply:Let me put it this way, there are some mother who still breast feed their six years olds, so I would assume it would be safe with an infant with teeth coming in.
Reply:Yes, you can, yes I have and honey they sometimes DO, bite that is.
Reply:Yes, of course you can breast feed a baby with teeth. Is there nobody you can talk to about this stuff?

When my godson was 18 months old his mother was hospitalized, and I had to look after him. This was somewhat hard to do as he was not weaned and I am a man. I solved the problem by going to the la leche league.

This is an organization that educates women about breast feeding, and other related child rearing issues. They not only fed the godson but told me everything I needed to know to be a great Mom.

I strongly suggest you look for such an organization where you live. Ask in you rhospital Labour/Delivery department. They will know where to find them.

It is so much easier when you don't have to figure it all out from scratch. Good luck.
Reply:its your chioce if you want to do that.
Reply:Yes, you can continue until weaning. They do bite, especially when they're teething - It HURTS...

At that point it helps to start using a bottle for at least a couple feedings a day just to give yourself a rest.
Reply:hiya. me personally i would not breastfed a baby with teeth or just getting teeth as they do bite down and it bloody hurts (friends told me she did it ) (never again she said lol) put him or her on the bottle now depends on how old the baby is in the first place? bottles are fine to feed baby then it dont matter if they do bite
Reply:I breastfeed my youngest child until she was 9 months old and she had a mouth full of teeth. She didn't always bite me, but when she did it hurt like hell and I would react that way. After about the 10th time and her biting my nipple nearly off and her laughing about it, I had to stop nursing. My advise to you is not to put your baby on a bottle and just move right to a sippy cup. I did with my daughter and she didn't have any trouble with the cup. She is 20 months now and I am glad I have her on a cup.
Reply:yeah, you can. all of my babies got their teeth by the time they were 4 months old--except the molars. only one of them became a "hard-core" biter. when he was a year old, he decided that he didn't want to nurse anymore, and he'd bite me whenever i tried to nurse him, so he went from the breast to a sippy cup. my daughter was totally different. she never wanted to quit nursing. i weaned her when she was 16 months old. another son started to bite while teething...whenever he did, i made him stop nursing immediately, and gave him a teething toy to chew on and he stopped biting within a day or two. you can also use oragel or some other teething remedy. good luck to you.
Reply:yes you can. My babies never bit me.
Reply:For everyone who says they wouldn't because it hurts, that's just lazy. You have to teach the baby not to bite. He/she has been nursing for so long one way and then they get teeth. It doesn't bother him/her to bite, so they don't understand that it hurts you. Instead of shrieking/screaming which will scare the baby from nursind, push his/her head into your breast so that their nose is completely covered. They will pull off because they will have to breathe through their mouth. Be persistant and in time he/she will learn how to nurse with teeth. People breastfeed babies with teeth all the time!
Reply:Yes, of course you can BF a baby with teeth. You will get bitten a couple of times, but you'll have to teach the baby not to do it. I inadvertantly yelled in pain, and baby was startled enough not to do it again, at least for a while.

I did eventually get to the point where I could tell when to take baby off the breast. When he started to get squirmy, or smiled in a certain way, or got a certain look in his eyes, I just knew it was time, or I was going to get a chomp.
Reply:YES!!! Babies are supposed to wean when they lose their milk teeth, not when they get them. think historically. What have women done for thousands upon thousands of years? There were no fake nipples 200 years ago or so.

It is never to early to teach "nursing manners."
Reply:I suppose you could, but there's always the chance of the baby accidentally nipping you if he's not latched on correctly.

Another thing to keep in mind: the reason the baby is getting teeth is because his body is getting ready to start eating solids. It's a neat little trick human babies do to tell our their moms they're growing up and can start having food that doesn't come from her boobs. :)
Reply:That was how I found out she was getting teeth. I had to wean her quickly. Yes, she bit!!!!!!!
Reply:umm...i wouldnt risk it...ouch!

i have heard of women breastfeeding til the kid was in school....but still....

performing arts

Baby getting teeth at 9 weeks old?

My baby is 9 weeks old and he is going mad with his tongue does this mean he is starting to get his little teeth up??

Baby getting teeth at 9 weeks old?
Sounds like he has discovered his wonderful and amazing Just wait till he finds his toes and starts stuffing those in his mouth.
Reply:No it means he has found his tounge.
Reply:Mine started going nuts with the drooling and chewing at 11 weeks and no teeth popped out until he was almost 6 months old.
Reply:mine is 8 weeks and drooling like crazy ...but i think its way to young to teeth

hair talk

Teeth in six week old baby will it do harm?

six week old baby with teeth can it do harm to baby

Teeth in six week old baby will it do harm?
nope, you will have an amazing child, early baby=early talking=early teething=early GENIUS!
Reply:it might hurt your nipples a bit but it's certainly not the first of these I've heard of. Sounds pretty normal to me.
Reply:No, but you might want to watch your fingers.
Reply:its very early! i would speak to your doctor about it.
Reply:No babies develop at different stages. It is perfectly normal for a baby to be teething at that age.
Reply:No. Not at all. Just means they will probably start getting their adult teeth early. Some babies are even born with a tooth and its called a "milk tooth"
Reply:it has to come in some part of there life. 6 months or 6 weeks it dont make a difference the gum will still scrach them.
Reply:no but it's mingy!!
Reply:if your uncertain see your doctor but if it uncomfortable exspress your milk then bottle feed thats what i will be doing as my baby will more than likely have teeth as my partners othr children and he also had teeth at birth. Do what is comfortable to you. You child having teeth early won't do any harm. just make sure you brush with baby brush and water do not use tooth paste.
Reply:no my friends baby got teeth at six weeks and he was ok also babys can be born with teeth unusual though

congratulations :)
Reply:i dont think theres any harm on it some babes r born with teeth everyone r different in their own ways even babes i have a friend whos baby is 1years old and she doesnt have any teeth but if u worried u should go and have a word with ur jp or maybe midwife i hope my answer help in anyway good luck
Reply:its true that some babies are born with teeth, its nothing to worry about. I'm a neonatal nurse and i've seen many babies born with the beginnings of teeth
Reply:mine had one when she was born. so to say the least i did not breast feed her. totally normal
Reply:no my baby had 2 teeth at 17 weeks and 2 more at 22 weeks, the only harm it will do is if your baby bits you it bloody hurts!!!
Reply:Not at all, our son who is now 4 and a half was born with 2 teeth, he's a healthy, bonny lad, very clever and not a bit shy.
Reply:Children get their teeth at different stages.

However, because your child got a tooth so early, you're going to have to be extra careful. NEVER put your child to bed with a bottle... not milk, juice, etc. Whatever the liquid, it will sit in the area of your child's mouth called the "vestibule" (the area between the gums and the cheeks) and cause decay to the teeth. This is known as "baby bottle mouth," and it is very sad.

Also, start cleansing your baby's mouth with a gause strip, or look into "Swiffies." They are meant for infants and toddlers and are a oral cleansing cloth.

Because your child has a tooth this early, this tooth could be more susceptable to decay because it will have been in the mouth so long... just make sure to start taking care of his/her mouth now, and then make sure that he/she gets into the habit when he is able to...
Reply:Not if you cook it first.

small business

Does your baby leave teeth marks when they nurse?

Ever since my baby got teeth on top, I could see teeth marks after she nursed. I didn't worry since they're far away from the nipple, and I wasn't really in any pain.

Sometimes though, they're really deep, and they it does hurt where the teeth marks are. Her latch seems right though...

Is it possible she 's latching wrong?

Does your baby leave teeth marks when they nurse?
As baby's get older they can start having latch problems again, but different one's from when they are infants. I noticed this with my daughter, she started to get a little lazy and distracted so she didn't really latch on properly; she was too busy checking things out and practising her acrobatics! An article on kellymom points out that as they get heavier and more awkward to hold older babies can get a drag effect happening, which presses their top teeth down leaving indentation. This can be remedied by making sure you are in a good position with her bottom pulled in close to you, and encouraging her to look up at you.

Of course, if it doesn't bother you and you aren't experiencing any discomfort, then continue doing whatever works best for you!
Reply:Seems like there is no problem. Try asking a lactation person or if you get too worried wean.
Reply:omg,,, same here, my bub does the same thing!!!!!!!!!

you can see bite marks all over, they look deep too, lol,, i was even gonna post up a question about it, cos everytime she latches on she bites the breast,, its not on purpose its just the way she sucks the breast in,, i even cringe as i latch her on

i counted yesterday, she has 15 teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!, almost 16, its there but hasnt cut through yet! xxxxxxxxxxxx

good luck, lol, our little vampires!
Reply:Oh my!! I started noticing my son doing this right around the time I realized I was pregnant! However, it didn't stop when I stopped being pregnant! I think it's a mixture of a lazier latch (not all bad, but not the best, as it's less noticeable when his latch is perfect) and just the pressure of the teeth against the nipple, and of course your nipple already being a sensitive skin location! Only if it hurts would I see a problem with the marks! Otherwise, I think it most likely is perfectly normal, though my first didn't nurse by the time she had all her top teeth, so don't quote me on that!!

makeup games

My baby's teeth?

It looks like my 11.5m old's front top two teeth are a little discolored. I have never sent him to bed with a bottle and he only drinks at his feeding time so the liquid doesn't sit in there. We brush his teeth. And from different pictures I saw, I am fairly certain it isn't baby bottle decay. What else could this be? And how would I get rid of it? I can't get him in to the dentist till April. He does have vitamins the doc prescribed and I think they have flouride in them but I don't give them to him everyday.

My baby's teeth?
if they are on alot of antibotic there teeth will turn color

hair tips

Baby getting teeth?

hi my 4 month old daughter seems to be teething. BUT it looks like her eyeteeth. she has 2 white bumps where her eyeteeth would come through. she has no signs of any other teeth. she has been real grumpy, sort of red rosy rashy cheeks, chewing on anything she can get her hands on. has anyones baby had their eyeteeth come through first. i'm not real sure this is her teeth or not, but i'm wondering if it could be a possibility thanks.

Baby getting teeth?
It sounds like it. Give her a teething ring or anything that is ok to chew on. You might want to buy Baby Oragel to help ease the pain of the teeth coming in.
Reply:I don't remember which came through first with my nephew or other babies I know but there aren't any "rules" on babies teething. Which you already know. haha. seems that she has all the other signs of teething so I'd say, don't deny it! I guess it's kind of saying that a baby is "overdue" when his or her mom is still pregnant past the date that the almighty doctor says the baby should be born on. Ha. Anyway, babies' bodies know what they're doing so just go with the flow! :)
Reply:my daughter is doing the same at the moment. but there is four of them coming through and have been trying to for the last couple of months it's driving us both nuts.

But yes her teeth are coming
Reply:Yes, My son cut all four of his eye teeth first. There is not sure fire order that a baby's teeth should come in. We always said he had vampire teeth. Its normal. She may run some fever due to teething and may even get the poops a little as this too is normal. Keep plenty of ice and water on hand for a good bottle of ice cold water. This is really soothing to their gums and my sister has found teething tablets that are better than baby oragel at wal - Marts. Keep plenty of teething rings or pacifiers handy too and look out of the slobber.

interest rate

Baby's Teeth....?

This is just a question out of curiosity. A guy my husband works with said his pediatrician told him the later your baby's teeth come in the straighter there adult teeth will be. Has anybody else heard this? Thank you

Baby's Teeth....?
I haven't heard that they will be straighter but my dentist told me the later my son's teeth come in the more enamel they will have...therefore they will be strong.
Reply:no sorry
Reply:no, that's a new one.
Reply:i dont think that is true
Reply:I have heard this, but common sense tells me that most of the reasons for this is genetics. You can have the best teeth in the world, and not take good care of them and they rot. You can have weak teeth and do all you can to take care of them and they could last a lifetime or be more prone to disease. Good luck!
Reply:That is a myth. It doesn't matter when your child's teeth come in. A baby with the straightest baby teeth can have very crooked adult teeth (and vice versus) The adult teeth develop underneath the teeth they currently have (baby teeth) and then, when they start to come up, they push out the baby teeth. Staying in longer doesn't make them straighter. Basically, it just depends on how they grow in the gums and there is no way to control that.
Reply:no freakin' way! i am currently going thru baby teeth w/my 4th son and i have to say this has not been true so far. every baby is on a different developmental schedule. how straight ur teeth are later on in life has alot more to do w/how they grow in and the amount of space that each tooth has as opposed to how long they hang around in the gums.
Reply:I was always told that later their teeth come in the healthier they will be. This just might be a myth. I was glad that my kids got their teeth in early...they only had to deal with it for a short time. Very painful for the babies to go through.
Reply:the later the teeth the stronger they are and better .. no bottle rot.

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Baby's teeth riddle?

A baby is just born from a black mother and a white father. What is the color of the baby's teeth?

Baby's teeth riddle?
It has no teeth yet
Reply:none, babies aren't born with teeth
Reply:baby's don't have teeth
Reply:doesn't have any
Reply:white teeth of course
Reply:babies don't have teeth.
Reply:aren't all teeth white/creamy colored?
Reply:i'm gonna say, the baby doesn't have teeth when it's born....but i guess offwhite?
Reply:no teeth
Reply:the baby dont have any it was just born
Reply:AHHHHHHHHHHH DuHHHHHHHHHH most babies are born without teeth...
Reply:What teeth ???? merry Christmas and a happy new year
Reply:No teeth yet..
Reply:he doesnt have any teeth
Reply:it doesnt have teeth yet
Reply:actually some babies are born with teeth. white teeth.

but i feel that this is veiled attempt at being racist, which hurts my feelings.

and most importantly a really dumb riddle.
Reply:babyies aren't born with teeth
Reply:Ok you almost got me with that one. I was almost going to say white then I realised that babies aren't born with teeth! ^ . *

theater acting

When baby gets teeth in is it normal for them to get their upper lateral incisors in first?

My baby is 10 months old and he is getting his upper lateral incisors in first (the tooth next to the 2 front teeth). He has one that is already out on his right side, that would be next to his 2 top front teeth and the one on his left side is starting to come out. I always thought the bottom two came out fist.

When baby gets teeth in is it normal for them to get their upper lateral incisors in first?
My daughter did the same thing i never heard of babies getting those teeth first but the dentist said its okay
Reply:I have had 4 babies, there is no rhyme or reason to what teeth come out first. Your baby is perfectly normal.
Reply:That does sound unusal. Normaly its the front 4 (top/bottom) teeth come in first. But the longer it takes for them to come in the stronger they will be. Still not sure, talk to your childs doctor
Reply:It doesn't matter what teeth come in first as long as they all come sometime or another. I have 2 younger sisters and each one had different teeth come in at different times and different places. I have one that is 3 and has all her teeth already and the other one i 7 and got all hers by the time she was like 4 or 5
Reply:You're right, the bottom two do usually come first (and fall out first as well), but I'm sure your baby isn't the first to have this happen. I definitely wouldn't worry about it, there's always an exception, but just take him to a dentist to be sure (a pediatric dentist, preferably). I had all of my children seen at one-year-old anyway, just to have a sort of baseline exam done and to get their first teeth checked out.
Reply:Well, in general the two bottom ones come first, then the two top ones. But all babies are different and doesn't mean there's anything wrong. My son got his two bottom front first, then the incisors, then the two front ones. So for the longest time he looked like a very cute vampire. :)
Reply:i always thought the bottem 2 came in first but boy was i wrong. same happend with mine

Plant question

Baby brushing teeth?

how can you get a 14month old baby to brush her teeth

she won't let her mum do them for her, she won't do it herself she just eats the toothpaste. How can you get her to brush her teeth

please help


Baby brushing teeth?
I have a 22 month old and it still a battle brushing her teeth. I let her do it herself and show her how, but she doesn't do a very good job. She mostly just gets the front teeth and not very goo at that. For the most part she just eats the toothpaste too. Just make sure you aren't using the flouridated kind at this age. She shouldn't have flouride toothpaste until 2-3 years of age. (they can cayse brown spots, plus it isn't safe to swallow the toothpaste. It is safe if she swallows the toddler or infant kind though. It takes two of us to brush her teeth. I know it sounds bad,but while my husband holds on to her arms I go in and give her teeth a good scrubbing as she squirms and screams. She hates having them brushed unless she can do it by herself, but I need to make sure her molars are brushed. I don't want cavities and plaque building up. I really don't think they get good at brushing their own teeth effectively until at least 3 or 4 though
Reply:Eating a little bit of toothpaste is actually ok. the flouride still works. Just let her chew on her toothbrush and make it into a game. let her watch you do yours. When shes a bit older shell be able to be taught the right way to do it.
Reply:start off just using a finger in her mouth - your baby finger (cleaned hands), then put a child soft toothbrush in and do it gently and slowly. Good luck.. x
Reply:You just have to keep trying. I took my son to a dentist when he was a yr old and he just told us to do it for him until he did it himself - even if it meant temper tantrums and screaming. A year later, we still have screaming every a.m. and p.m. during teeth brushing. I hate it, but it has to be done.
Reply:First off skip the toothpaste, it is for older kids and adults. Just let her chew the brush, if you want then use your finger as was suggested.
Reply:I give my 13mth old his brush with toothpaste on - he will NOT let me brush his teeth and crys if I try. However, if I hand it to him, he generally chews on it and will not let go of it (I have many brushes all over the house!!!)

I just think that as long as he is getting used to a brush in his mouth, I will teach him the proper way when he is older.

Good luck
Reply:My son was exactly the same, temper tantrums every time the toothbrush appeared. I ended up buying two toothbrushes the same and giving him one to play with while I tried to brush his teeth, he still wasn't that keen but then one day I brushed his teeth while he was in the bath instead of after the bath and he loved it!!
Reply:try site below will give you good tips
Reply:Maybe let her choose a new tooth brush (even if she is only 14months). Make it fun. She will come round.
Reply:um lets see get her favortite food or snack or something some type of treet and tell her if she want the suprise then she either has to brush her teeth or let you do should do something like that shes only a kid lol good luck
Reply:Have two different brushes - one for her to chew on and play with and another for you to brush her teeth properly. It's fiddly but it's the only way I can get her teeth clean!

EDIT - Agree with Ashley S, unfortunately it needs to be done, even with kicking and screaming!

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Nursing baby with teeth...?

I know breastfeeding isn't supposed to hurt even when baby has teeth, but, sometimes it's really painful, even when baby is actively sucking. She's sucking and swallowing lots of milk, so the latch must be correct right?

After she's done, I can see teeth marks right were my nipple ends, and the aereola begins. Is that were they're supposed to be?

Nursing baby with teeth...?
I get that too when baby gets teeth, and has become a little lazy and slipped some of the breast out of their mouth, but what I usually do is say "Open wide" and then open my mouth really wide when baby looks at me. Babies try and copy their parents expression, so it usually makes them pull off the breast and mimic me. Then they latch back on and are usually better positioned. After a few times of me saying it, baby knows what to do without pulling off the breast, and reposition themselves without pulling off.
Reply:lol, yes mine look that way too

if she does bite, say NO really loud, she will learn not to bite

my 10month old stopped biting me, thank god, her 8 teeth r sharp!
Reply:try puting your breast in a little more becauseshe issucking a little close to nipple,or take breast away for a second and say no when she bites...
Reply:Ouch! How old is your baby?

I've been BF'ing for 10 months and my son only has his first tooth coming through now. But I've never seen tooth marks on my nipple (yet!!)!

The baby needs to take as much of the areola into their mouth as possible. How much they will take depends on how big/old the baby is (little mouth can't take much!!) and also how big your areolas are! If there are teeth marks right where the nipple ends and the areola begins this might suggest that she is not taking in enough of your areola.

See pic for correct latch:

If breastfeeding is painful then something is not quite right.

Either your baby isn't taking enough of the areola and is just sucking on the nipple (that will hurt and make you sore) or she has actually got teeth and is chewing on you!

Its really hard to advise without actually seeing you BF. Do you have a BF'ing counsellor or Health Visitor or a BF'ing support group you could ask for advice? It helps a lot more when someone can actually watch you BF and see whats going on.
Reply:Your baby is not latching properly. She is only sucking on the nipple which is very painful. (personal experiance!)

Even when the baby has teeth it should not hurt.

My daughter did the exact same thing, she was just being lazy or something. Just pull her off and get her to re-latch.

She has to take in some if not all of the aereola to latch properly. Sucking the nipple is just plain painful and not the way they are meant to nurse at all.

So if you see she is not latching properly (her mouth needs to encase not only nipple but aereola as well, as much as fits in her mouth) then pull her off. Gently otherwise it just hurts you. And try again, she'll soon figure out she has to latch properly to get the good stuff *lol*

Good Luck!!!
Reply:Stop then.....if baby is old enough to chew then breast milk is not needed anymore.
Reply:Well, most people nurse their babies with BOOBS instead of teeth, but to each their own, I guess!
Reply:get a breast pump.that was what I did and I am still breast feeding after 18 months without being worried about baby's teeth.

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Breastfeeding moms and baby's teeth question?

My son is 8 mos. old and has 6 teeth, four on top and two on bottom. We are still breastfeeding, after a two week spell of teething, severe nipple biting and decreased milk supply I am happy to report we are back on track!

My question(s)?

How old was your breastfed baby when he/she got teeth?

How many teeth does your baby have?

How long did you breastfeed after the teeth appeared?

Breastfeeding moms and baby's teeth question?
Congrats on sticking it out..I breastfed my first until she was second is now 8 months old and bites like there is no tomorrow..Any advice? I have tried saying no. He has two teeth and his top ones are now coming in...hence his bitting. I have cuts and nursing him is getting harder and harder but I don't want to give up. Any advice will welcomed
Reply:My son got teeth at 6 months. He now has 16 teeth and is 23 months and he still nurses. I am also nursing his baby brother who is almost 3 months and has no teeth.
Reply:My daughter was 4.5 months old when she got her first tooth. She is now 6 months old and has 6 teeth (2 on bottom, 4 on top). She's had those for close to a month now. She hasn't bitten me, yet, knock on wood. The only difficultly I've found with the teething is that it hurts HER to nurse and she will suck a little and then pull off screaming, and then suck a little and repeat the process.

Glad to hear you were able to get through the painful biting *ouch* :)
Reply:My daughter got 2 teeth the week before she turned 7 months old. She is about to be 9 months, still nursing, and still just 2 teeth!
Reply:i breastfed my 1st for 1 year and am now breastfeeding my 2nd who is 5 months! firstly, congrats on persevering, many mums would have quit so good on you!
Reply:My daughter cut a pair of teeth before hitting four months; still has just the two at almost 5.5mths...will nurse until she weans herself.

Kudos on getting through the teething-etc-etc!
Reply:My son started getting his teeth around 6 months and I breastfed him for 13 months. I'm glad you waited through the first few weeks of getting teeth. So many people will quit breastfeeding when their child gets teeth when there really is no need to. Once the baby gets used to having the teeth, you can teach them not to bite. Congratulations and good luck. I hope that you'll keep breastfeeding until your son is at least 1 year old.
Reply:I am nursing my 10-month-old. She got her first tooth at 7 months and now has 8 teeth. She has only really bitten me a couple of times and not hard. We did have a difficult time when she was teething one time because it seemed to hurt her to nurse, but she is nursing fine now. I plan to continue at least until a year and probably beyond.
Reply:My daughter's first two teeth came in when she was 4.5 months old. She is now 10 months old with 8 teeth and we are still nursing. She still bites sometimes now! I plan to nurse her until she is 2 or she self weans.
Reply:i can't believe your baby has that many teeth already. my son got his first tooth at eight months. he's now almost ten months and it doesn't look like he's teething. we are still breastfeeding. i always said i would wean him when he started to get teeth but i just can't. i've tried twice and he just does not want formula. he just loves to nurse and i feel bad taking that away from him before he's ready. he's still young enough to nurse a little longer. i guess i'll breastfeed until he's a year old and try to wean again. good luck and congrats on breastfeeding.
Reply:My son got his first teeth at 7 months. He's now 20 months and still nursing. Kudos on sticking with it and not giving up!!
Reply:6 months when teeth came through...

two teeny tiny bottom front teeth....but she's got some strong jaws! ouuuch!

7 1/2 months, 'still' breastfeeding and plan to until she weens herself.

*she bit a couple of times and so i started using lanolin cream and then any time she bit i would press her in...usually baby only bites when they are not fully latched...when the nipple is just hanging out in if you press them into the breast, they will either continue nursing, or twist their head and completely unlatch...*
Reply:My mom and I were talking about this last night in length as my 5 month old has just started teething. I can't talk from my own experience, but I can talk from hers.

With my mom's first child (me), teeth did not appear until 11.5 months, and she kept nursing until I self-weaned around 15 months. When I did bite on a couple occasions, I was old enough that she could say "no" and/or flick my cheek to get me to stop.

With my mom's second child (my brother), teeth appeared around 5 months. He was a really bad biter and she had to wean him around 8 months because of this. She was trying all of her doctor's suggestions to get him to stop biting but it just wasn't working. At the 8th month mark, it became mutually beneficial to just stop. My brother, quite mobile already at 8 months, just wasn't interested in it any more.

I know you've struggled with your supply and breastfeeding in the last couple weeks. I'm SO happy to hear that things are going better now :) Good for you for perservering!!!
Reply:My son is almost 4 months and he is getting 2 teeth on the bottom. He has started biting and it hurts but because I wasnt able to breastfeed my older 2 kids as long as I have this one, I dont do anything about it because I dont want to deter the BFing. I am hoping that he stops biting, because due to the biting, my nipples have sore/bleeding spots. I have started taking him from the breast when he bites and wait 4 him to see that he is not getting any "ninny" and then put him back on. I have heard that this works so hopefully this will keep him from attacking me. haha I am so glad that you are back on track. Good luck and if you want you can email me!


My baby's teeth are not straight/ aligned. Have you experienced this with your baby?

My 7 month old has 3 teeth and they are not in a straight line in her gum. They are misaligned. Has anyone experienced this with their baby? Did it affect their permanent teeth or did their permanent teeth come out okay?

My baby's teeth are not straight/ aligned. Have you experienced this with your baby?
My sons were crooked and one of his adult teeth came in BEFORE the baby tooth fell out. I was having nightmares about the dental bills that were to come. The dentist told me to wait his teeth were still growing and moving. Sure enough his teeth are straight now. Have faith and keep your hope up.
Reply:keep an eye on them as they fall out. then watch the permanent ones. chances are that it won't affect her adult teeth. don't worry!
Reply:Don't worry about it now. When the baby is a little older, take her (or him) to a dentist for a regular check up. Crooked baby teeth don't necessarily mean crooked adult teeth!
Reply:They may need braces when they get older. Next time you go to the dentist ask him to look at your baby's teeth.
Reply:this is good so when your baby gets his/her adult teeth they will have space to grown in stright
Reply:Do not worry about the baby teeth. She is only 7 months old they will probably straighten out as she gets more.
Reply:They won't be. Right now those are the only teeth, and there's nothing to stop them from shifting.

These are just the baby teeth. Once more teeth come in, the gaps will close and the teeth will straighten.

It doesn't tell you much about the permanent teeth because those come in at a different pace.
Reply:Remember your baby's skeletal structure is still growing. As a child's jawbones grow, more room becomes available for the growing teeth.

Just keep an eye on it. By the time your child reaches around 6 years of age (right before the first baby tooth falls out and are replaced with bigger permanent ones), there shouldn't be crowding on the baby teeth by then.

Hope this helps, and good luck.
Reply:This is why dentists don't put braces on baby teeth. Relax and wait until his adult teeth come in, then find a dentist if you're not happy.
Reply:You have nothing to worry about the baby teeth will allign as the baby gets more teeth. It shouldn't affect their adult teeth at all. in fact the adult teeth will be pushing the baby teeth from side to side as they come in. if your baby is sucking a thumb or fingers it would be prudent to try to stop this habit soon because it can cause the teeth to come in crooked. Give her an orthodontic pacifier for her to suck on instead. thumb sucking is harder to quit and when they reach the age where they begin losing baby teeth and getting permanent teeth, then it can cause the teeth to come in crooked. at 7 months it really is too soon to worry about crooked teeth. they won't be getting permanent teeth in until they are about 5 or 6 years old
Reply:my son's baby teeth were straight, however they are now falling off for the news ones to come up. and the new ones are quite crooked.

so, since your baby's teeth will fall out when she is about 6 yrs old, you need not fuss about her baby teeth. however, do keep an eye on them when she starts changing them.


Baby moller teeth dident fall out at adult?

I have question?

im 24years old, Do all baby moller teath come out, I think I still have my baby moller teeth, if my baby moller teeth dont come out by adult hood what dose that mean, I need to know dose all of your back teeth come out , if yes do new ones grow in, ? I need some ansers.

Baby moller teeth dident fall out at adult?
Have you consulted your parents to confirm that they ARE baby teeth?

I am part of a very small portion of people who get three sets of molars. My baby teeth come out, my adult teeth grow in. When the third set is ready to come in it starts to push its' way through the adult tooth starts to crumble. when that begins, I have the tooth removed and the third molar continues to grow in.

It is annoying, but it also feels like a second chance.
Reply:it's's DIDN''s's's ANSWERS....

Did you mean to say you're 2 years old? Or maybe 4 years old? You couldn't be a day past 7.... actually I take that back. Most seven year olds can spell the words teeth and answers.
Reply:you'll need to go to the dentist to have them removed as they should have fallen out as a child. They Could be very small adult molers and if that's the case and you have them removed they will not grow back, have them checked thoroughly by a trusted dentist and you should get a good result...


Is it possible for a 9 year old to still have some baby teeth?

my son has a loose tooth on the bottom, kinda off to the right a little. we're not sure if this is still a baby tooth or not.

Is it possible for a 9 year old to still have some baby teeth?
Yes, between 12 and 13 my son lost like 7 teeth in a short time span !! He even asked me once if he was going to have to get false ones....
Reply:Yes. My 10 year old still has most of his baby teeth. He has been slow to get and lose teeth. Check with your dentist.
Reply:Most anything is possible, see a dentist.
Reply:Yes, it's possible. My 10 year old daughter still has a few of her baby teeth.
Reply:Yes it is possible. I still had a baby tooth when I was 10.
Reply:I lost my last baby tooth when I was 13.
Reply:At 9 he probably does have some baby teeth yet. If you are not sure about the tooth then take him to the dentist and get it checked. Usually when you go in for your routine 6 month exam the doc will tell you how many baby teeth are left while you are in the exam room with him. If you have any concerns see the dentist or call the office and have them check his records to see how many baby teeth he had left when he was seen the last time.
Reply:Yes, it is very possible. As a matter of fact, my husband who will be 50 on his next birthday still has a baby tooth. It is his right top eye tooth. The adult one is laying flat across the top of the baby one under the gum. He never lost the baby one and no one ever realized it until he was grown and he has opted to let things remain the way they are. He always takes the path of least resistance.LOL
Reply:OF course, lots of 9 year olds have baby teeth, its not time for some to have been lost yet. But, baby teeth are gererally smaller and new teeth are larger with ridges sometimes. You should be able to tell!
Reply:Absolutely. My youngest child still has baby teeth and she is 12.
Reply:Yes it is very possible. In fact some adults (myself included) still have a baby tooth/teeth. Both my father and I still have one baby tooth. My dentist thinks it is so funny, he always comments on it when I go in for a checkup.

My dad just turned 63 and his baby tooth is still doing the job.

(Mine is too but I thought a 63 year old baby tooth is more entertaining then a 35 year old baby tooth).

I was really slow to lose my baby teeth and after doing x-rays when I was 8 or 9 the dentist realized that my adult teeth were not growing in the proper position to push the baby teeth out. I ended up having all my front teeth pulled out and the dentist did something (honestly I don't remember what - I was so young) to help the adult teeth fall into place. Whatever he did worked pretty quickly as I had all my front adult teeth farily soon after.
Reply:of course , baby teeth are still there untill 11 or 12 year where the last one which is the upper cuspid shed , at 9 years , mostly a "baby" molar sheds and there will be a permanent successor that erupts about 3 to 4 weeks after.

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I have a 7 yr old son who has NOT lost any baby teeth yet, but in his front bottom middle teeth, his adult?

tooth is growing in behind his baby tooth. Is this something of concern? Does this happen alot?

I have a 7 yr old son who has NOT lost any baby teeth yet, but in his front bottom middle teeth, his adult?
This is not uncommon, even at age 7. The baby tooth will eventually come out on it's own. You could give it a little help by gently wiggling the baby tooth a couple times per day. Once the baby tooth is out of the way, within about 6 months, the adult tooth that was behind the baby tooth should start repositioning itself to its correct position. If you don't see any migration forward by the adult tooth by this time, you should check with a dentist. Some professionals are anxious to pull teeth, but rest assured, usually there is no need. I took my daughter to the dentist to have one tooth pulled because it was a stubborn one and it was bothering her by being loose.
Reply:No this is fine. Just sounds like he's got good oral hygene.

ps. I see braces in your son's future.
Reply:Most kids start losing their teeth around age 5. My 7 y/o daughter has lost 9 teeth I believe. If your son's teeth won't fall out on their own, they'll need to be pulled. Hasn't his dentist said anything about it?

Reply:relax, hes probably fine. You can check with the dentist, but hes probably just losing his baby teeth later.
Reply:No, this happened to all my baby teeth. My mom took me to the dentist, and he removed whichever baby teeth had adult teeth growing behind them. It happened to all 4 of my front bottom teeth, and 2 of my top front teeth.
Reply:The adult bottom middle incisors do come out on the inside of the baby teeth, its normal, but if too far in, the baby teeth wont fall out. But if the adult teeth have just started to come out, wait a while, the baby ones can still fall of on their own. the tongue will push the adult teeth out into the line of the other teeth%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;this is the normal process.


I need braces and i habe about 3 baby teeth?

i have a couple teeth that are babies still.

I think 2 of them are loose i am curious what the will do.

I need braces and i habe about 3 baby teeth?
They just won't put brackets on them.
Reply:yeah... my orthodontist is letting me chose. You can get them pulled if you want.
Reply:i only had my brackets on my first top 4...because of baby i have full sets
Reply:i had this problem. they left my one baby tooth in and just held it in with a bracket. it fell out when i got my braces off. but in my case i didnt have an adult tooth underneath. you probably do so im guessing they will not put brackets on
Reply:before my braces were put on they pulled one of my baby teeth.. but it was the only one... and it didn't hurt (thanks to novacaine)
Reply:discuss your concerns with the orthodontist.
Reply:they have a few options:

-let them fall out on their own.

-not put bracackets on them until they fall out.

-pull them.

discuss it with ur dentist.
Reply:Well it depends if you have adult teeth underneath because sometimes you don't and this can be found out through and x-ray. And if they are the back teeth they normally just put them on anyway. If you have adult teeth underneath they might pull them out not 100% sure, my friends recently got some out and they both said it didn't hurt. If you don't have adult teeth they just put them on straight away.
Reply:They will leave those without brackets and then when you loose them, they will put the brackets on them.

My friend has them and had a lot of baby teeth left in 4th grade and thats what they did.

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Jack russel terrier do they normally lose there baby teeth and if so around what age?

we are baby sitting my daughters jack russel terrier and he lost a canine tooth playing tug of war is this normal

Jack russel terrier do they normally lose there baby teeth and if so around what age?
More than likely it is normal. If it is still a pup it is even to be expected.
Reply:All dogs start losing their puppy teeth when they are about 4 months old and the second set will be noticeable right away. Playing tugg games at that age will not hurt them but probably make them come out quicker

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What are the statistics that you never lose one of your baby teeth?

so i found out that there's a baby tooth that i'm never going to lose, since there's no permanant tooth below it. how often does that happen? could you give me something like: 1 out of 4 people will never lose one of their baby tooth.

What are the statistics that you never lose one of your baby teeth?
Well i got like 4 pulled cuz they were never gonna come out. but i had permanent teeeth up there. but they wouldnt come down, so i had to have surgery to bring down the permanent tooth.
Reply:I had 2 that were never going to come out so they just pulled those out and put 2 in there. They look very real.


I need help with my teeth, i have one tooth growing behind another one, the tooth infront is a baby tooth...?

i need help??? i have a tooth and adult one growing behind this baby one, the baby one isn't even woberly... please give me advise on what i should do about it..??? thanks

I need help with my teeth, i have one tooth growing behind another one, the tooth infront is a baby tooth...?
well, i had this same problem with my canines, n it looked like i was a vampire for a while til i got my teeth fixed w braces. i had already had other baby teeth pulled, so we kinda waited for this one to loosen up. it was really stubborn n i finally ulled it out myself one day. i couldnt pull it cuz i thought it would hurt to much and all the root was gone so i was able to twist it. i just grabbed n twisted n twisted for a while til it let go. the only thing it was hangin on by was the vein n nerves running into it, so it was easy to twist. i did have to go to the dentist later though cuz my teeth were just too crowded n they fixed things up for me, but we saved on the money and the anesthetic by waiting n me doin it myself. now i have regular looking straight teeth. i would recommend gong to the dentist though, rather than home dentistry lol.
Reply:I had that with the first teeth that I lost. It turned out okay. If you're really concerned, you should see a dentist.
Reply:Have it pulled right away! (the baby teeth) Otherwise, your teeth will grow irregularly (all twisted up and disaligned if you know what i mean...) and you're gonna need braces if that happens.
Reply:My granddaughter had that. Eventually the front tooth became loose and fell out and the adult tooth fit right in its place.
Reply:Go to the dentist and have the baby tooth pulled so the other one can grow in straight.
Reply:that happened to me when i was younger. i went to a dentist and they set up and appointment and pulled the baby tooth for me. it was really easy. if you want you can wait and see what happens, but the tooth wont get loose if theres another one wedged in behind it. hope that helped!
Reply:See your dentist and he will pull the baby tooth for you. This is real common.
Reply:you should have the baby tooth pulled out to prevent the permanent tooth from becoming crooked as it grows in
Reply:We called that 'shark teeth' when I was a kid. I knew a couple kids this happened to and they turned out fine. I would go see a dentist though and see what he has to tell you.
Reply:get the baby tooth pulled. they generally don't have much for roots. go to the dentist and see what he says, but most likely he will pull it. it is no big deal. if you leave it, it may cause the permanent to grow in crooked.
Reply:That is an easy problem for a dentist to take care of. He can remove the baby tooth.
Reply:I had this problem, just as everyone has stated, see the dentist and they will pull it out in less than a second. When the dentist pulled my baby tooth out, the other (adult tooth) came right up in less than 2 weeks. Smooth sailing...just go to the dentist because if it was going to fall out I think it would have done so already. Good Luck!
Reply:It is gonna hurt, but try and make it wobbly, i had that too, and now my teeth are way crooked!! If you can't do it your self got to the dentist. they will be able to help you, and make sure thatyour teeth dont get all funkified ( crooked:)

your welcome.
Reply:My fiance had the same thing when he was really little. He had to get it pulled.

my bird

When should kids loose all their baby teeth?

my son is 12 years old and hasn't lost a baby tooth for a ling time. He only has 8 permanent tooth, 4 on the bottom and 4 on the top. is that "normal"?

When should kids loose all their baby teeth?
believe it or not - i'm 25 and i still have two baby teeth. i asked my dentist if its normal and he said yes. so dont worry about it.
Reply:No, it's not, but if he starts to lose the teeth soon then don't worry. Some kids are slower than others. If not, talk to his dentist and ask about getting the teeth pulled.
Reply:My brother is 16 years old and he still has one of his baby tooth... You might want to send him to the dentist and have them looked at... My brothers dentist told him every thing is ok for know...
Reply:it all depends on your kid i am 19 and i still have like 4 baby teeth
Reply:Its proable hereditary. All kids are different. I lost all mine really soon, my sister, it took a little longer, and it just depends. What dental history do you and your spouse have? And it nothing to be worried about, unless a dentist says there is.
Reply:it all natural man. the body takes differnt times for differnt ppl

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How long does it take for baby teeth to grow once its broken the gum?

my son broke his 1st tooth and i was wondering how long it takes for a baby tooth to grow fully? its been about 3-4 weeks and its not even half way grown yet

How long does it take for baby teeth to grow once its broken the gum?
My daughter broke her bottom tooth first and it only took a couple of weeks or so to fully come in.

A few weeks ago she broke in a top tooth and it still has not fully come in... she now has two bottom teeth and two half teeth up top. lol Still waiting for them to fully come in. Do have to admit, she looks absolutely adorable with her pearly whites!!
Reply:It varies. one day you will wake up and it will be in.
Reply:Probably about half a year to a year.
Reply:Baby teeth sometimes break the gum and then gum grows back over the tooth. It is different for each child how long it will take to be fully developed.
Reply:Normally within two months to six months sometimes longer they will come in then you need to stop breast feeding or that nipple will become a juicy steak
Reply:Each baby is different, even each toothe is different, my baby's top teeth took a couple of months for the tooth to come out fully, and the bottom ones took a few weeks.

My eldest daughters teeth only used to take a couple of days
Reply:Have patience with nature which should be let to take its own course!
Reply:it varies from baby to baby! itcould be a few days to a month or 2! dont worry one day you'll wake up and it will be fully out!

although when my son got his first tooth i thought it was only half way out and it wasnt, i must have thought that teeth were bigger than that! but they are quite small!!!
Reply:It all depends on each child. My daughter started teething at around 3 months old and had all of her teeth in before she was a year old. On the other hand my son also begain teething at around 3 months old and is now going on 2 years old and has just finished getting in his teeth :)

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How many of you didn't lose baby teeth until your teens?

I lost my last baby tooth in 11th grade. My two older children did the same. My youngest is in the 9th grade and only lost 4 uppers and 4 lowers. He has a few molars loose right now. Is this unusual or fairly common? I know a lot of kids didn't lose their first tooth until kindergarten/first grade. All three of my kids were in the third grade before they lost their first tooth. Anyone in the same boat here?

How many of you didn't lose baby teeth until your teens?
I am 14 and I still have quite a few baby teeth.
Reply:I am forty and I still have two baby teeth. I have one gap from losing a baby tooth a couple years ago but the perm is growing in nicely.
Reply:I have NEVER heard of this!! My 14 year old has lost them all, my 10 year old quite a few.. You are actually quite lucky- this saves you lots of money!!!:-)
Reply:My family is the same way. My kids are still losing thiers and i was a junior in high school hiding my space from still losing baby teeth. All is fine, at least we have a few less years of any staining! we all have naturally really white teeth. Best of luck!

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Is it normal to loose baby teeth...?

i'm 22 and just lost my last baby tooth, just wondering if i was the only odd ball that this has happened to. I mean it's been loose since i was six, but now there is finally a tooth growing.

Is it normal to loose baby teeth...?
Its unusual. Dentists say you should have lost your baby teeth BEFORE you entered adulthood as females develop faster than males. You could ask why these human skulls that are discovered by archeologist's still have their teeth, even perfect teeth. You're lucky to have a new tooth growing. Usually new teeth stop growing at a certain age (whenever that age is).
Reply:no you are not! :)
Reply:Everyone develops at a diffrent paste.
Reply:Wow, that's strange - I'm surprised your dentist didn't extract it sooner.
Reply:Wow, never heard of that, but I don't think I'd say you were abnormal or an oddball. I would say, ask a dentist.
Reply:Happens to the best of us.
Reply:That's unusual.
Reply:well yeah my cousin is 10 and is all ready getting her wisdom teeth she got her molers last year
Reply:you have to be weirder than that to be crazy in this world! Don't forget to put that little tooth under your pillow. . . you still believe in the tooth fairy, right? :)
Reply:My wife has two baby teeth that were never replaced by permanent. The dentist said she will never get those two.

my dog

I have to get a tooth pulled and ive goten baby teeth tooken out, but not a grownup tooth, im scared, should i


I have to get a tooth pulled and ive goten baby teeth tooken out, but not a grownup tooth, im scared, should i
I was fully awake..when they pulled 4 of my teeth out. I refused to be put to sleep..or take gas. This is fine,though they rub numbing stuff in your mouth and give you a bunch of shots. It didnt hurt one bit,not even after the numbing went away. I think you'll be need to be scared...pulling a tooth is quick, i had 4 pulled and it took them less than 5 minutes to get them out. good luck =)
Reply:They don't put you to sleep they numb you and give you happy gas. Its a common things done by dentists you might be a littly groggy afterwards from the numbing.
Reply:Last Time i had a tooth pulled, they inject your gum line with an antisthetic to make you go numb. when it sets in you will feel no pain, but you will feel the pressure of them pulling on it.


Should I be concerned with my son's baby teeth?

This evening, my son lost one of his molars. It looks like there is already a new tooth coming in. Once I looked at the baby tooth he lost, it looked as if part of it was missing. I don't know if the tooth that is in his mouth is part of the baby tooth. Should I be concerned?

Should I be concerned with my son's baby teeth?
It sounds like he lost the tooth normally. When an adult tooth is coming in it pushes on the root of the baby tooth and causes it to resorb (disappear). It would be very helpful to know your son's age. See this site, it may be helpful

If he is not in pain and doesn't have any sharp edges, you can always give your Dr. a call. He should be having dental cleanings every 6 months, maybe you are close to the date of his appointment?

Good luck

JAMRDH- a dental hygienist
Reply:Your dentist will want to check out your son's molar. When in doubt, always have it checked out. You never know!!! It's better to be safe than sorry.
Reply:go to the dentist and he will tell you, how old is your son?

should be nothing to be concerned about.
Reply:i would give it a day or so...its a baby tooth that you pulled..they tend to look a little funny... alot of times the reason they come out is because the tooth underneath is pushing it out of the way...if its extremely white...its the new tooth..if its the color of the baby tooth...kinda yellow...or beige i guess in color would probably be more the word im looking for...then it is the baby tooth...the baby tooth is dead so its gonna change colors... a new tooth will be white cause its still living
Reply:I work for a pediatric dentist depending on your child's age, it sounds like he is between 9-12 years old, the bicuspid is probably what you are seeing in the mouth. However, sometimes there can be peices of the baby tooth left behind. I wouldn't be concerned but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have him checked to verify that that is what it is.
Reply:The roots of baby teeth usually resorb as the permanent adult teeth start coming in, which is why when baby teeth fall out, they look like their missing part of or all of the lower (root) part. Chances are, the tooth you see in the mouth is the new tooth, which caused the baby tooth to not look whole. No need for concern.
Reply:If you have it, it is a good idea to take it to take the lost tooth to the dentist to be on the safe side.

I think children do have primary (baby) molars, which if I remember correctly, come out around age 9+.

If you feel concerned and are looking for immediate information, check a website like the American Dental Association. You should be able to find out what you need to know there. If you are still concerned after that, I would again, check with his dentist.
Reply:I don't know what part of the tooth was missing, but it's not uncommon for the root to have been dissolved during this process. If you're concerned, and the new tooth doesn't come up correctly, make an appointment.
Reply:hard to say without seeing. usually most of the root on baby teeth are resorbed as the permanent teeth push them out of the way. does the crown or top part of the tooth look fully intact? take him to the dentist.

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