Thursday, April 16, 2009

At what age should all your baby teeth be gone?

im 13 and all my back teeth are baby teeth. is that unhealthy? how can i make them come out easier?

At what age should all your baby teeth be gone?
When you say back teeth, do you mean your molars? When you are 6 years old you get your first adult molar. This is an adult tooth, and permanent. Around the age of 12 you should get your second adult molar. This is also a permanent tooth.

As a child you loose the following teeth... Front teeth (incisors), Side-Front teeth (laterals), Canine teeth (canines), Weird-Looking Baby Molars (primary first molars), and Baby Molar (primary secondary molars).

I would guess that you lost these teeth long ago, and maybe don%26#039;t remember. I think the teeth you are referring to are already your adult teeth.

You should be finished loosing and getting new teeth, with exception of your wisdom teeth.
Reply:hmmm good question, im 15 and im pretty sure i lost all my baby teeth, lol, i think u should jus relax and dont try to fight it. Some people lose teeth at a younger age and some people at an older age u kno? ur probably someone hoo loses their teeth at an older age, if u still feel kinda worried, i would suggest u see your dentist and follow their advice.
Reply:well, wen i was 11, i lost all my baby teeth cuz i ate too much sugar and didn%26#039;t brush often.
Reply:Some people loose teeth slower than others. I have seen several 13, 14, and even 15 year olds that still have baby teeth. However, if the permanent tooth is erupting beside the baby tooth, the baby tooth may need to be extracted. It is also possible that you may not have the permanent teeth and this could be why you have not lost the baby teeth, a picture (x-ray) of the area could tell you that. Wiggling the teeth daily, flossing, eating chewy things, such as taffy and carmel, can help loosen the teeth faster.
Reply:10,or 11

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