Thursday, April 16, 2009

14-years-old and still losing baby teeth... should I ask my dentist?

No one I know around my age still has baby teeth, but my dentist said a few check-ups ago that I still had like 6 to lose. I have a dentist appointment in a few weeks, so I want to know if I should ask about it or if I%26#039;m just wasting my time.

If it%26#039;s irregular, I can only think of one dental problem that might attribute (but I highly doubt it). When I was a toddler, I had my two front teeth pulled because they were rotting. I didn%26#039;t grow them back until I was 8.

14-years-old and still losing baby teeth... should I ask my dentist?
Don%26#039;t worry my 15 year old Daughter just lost her last baby tooth. the longer they take to come in the stronger they are. She like you has zero cavities... So SMILE
Reply:I have been told that the later you get your teeth when you are a baby, the later you lose them when you are older. Fourteen is a little older than average, but as long as your dentist isn%26#039;t worried I wouldn%26#039;t be either.
Reply:It%26#039;s probably just your 12 year old molars that are left. You probably got your teeth later than some babies too. I wouldn%26#039;t worry about it, but since you already have an appointment, ask the dentist!
Reply:i wouldn%26#039;t worry maby its just late for you.

ask your family-aunts uncles grandparents-- maby its genetic
Reply:it is perfectly fine, i met a guy who was in preschool and he has lost 2 teeth
Reply:I think you would be smart to get a second opinion from another dentist. Baby teeth can block secondary teeth from coming in. You are past baby teeth age.
Reply:I wouldn%26#039;t be worried. Everyone%26#039;s different...and there are different results. Just be patient and let your baby teeth loosen. Otherwise, you%26#039;ll be a very interesting pirate if you decide to pull them out now. But you might not know if you end up having baby teeth for the rest of your life in certain circumstances.

I know two people who have the same situation. One had braces for three years and got them off last year. At the time she got the braces off, at least one baby tooth were still there. Another still has two baby teeth, but her X-rays show that there aren%26#039;t adult teeth in the gum tissues.

And there aren%26#039;t really many dental problems, or at least the ones that I know (gingivitis, gum cancer, root canals...). I can relate to a time where I had wierd baby teeth problems. One of my front baby teeth had a nice round hole (and I still don%26#039;t know how I got a hole on it), and I had to get it filled up.

Just sit tight, be patient. Don%26#039;t worry so much.
Reply:Its normal for lots. Unless they are causing damage, dont worry about it
Reply:you are right on target - my son didn%26#039;t lose all of his till he was over 15 years old. so do not worry- they will loosen up but let your dentist keep an eye on em- some people are congenitally missing premolars and its possible that you are one of them and which in that case- you would leave em alone
Reply:I%26#039;m 23 and i still have a baby tooth. Over the past 4 years I%26#039;ve had 3 baby teeth pulled. And there wasn%26#039;t enough space for the adult teeth to fully grow in. Now they%26#039;re saying i need to get braces and on top of that more teeth pulled!! I would say talk to your dentist about it. You can never be to safe. I wish I would have caught it early.
Reply:im 13 and i got mine pulled and they werent ready to come out so they put numbing gell on them and took the hook and pulled them out and it didnt hurt so dont worry


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