Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why do we only have one set of baby teeth?

I can understand the first set is basically the milk teeth that needs replacement but what about the second set? Is there a particular reason why we don't grow a third set?

Why do we only have one set of baby teeth?
Well compared to a humans lifespan we are only baby's for a short period of time. After a certain age we need stronger teeth(adult teeth) to help digest all of the harsher stuff we eat as adults for the rest of our lives. Some individuals such as myself have been blessed with extra teeth (3rd) a condition called freakishly "shark teeth" (because shark have 3 sets) that are still in my gums waiting for me to loss the tooth above it to come up. I am over 20, lost a tooth recently and the 3rd one came up! Cool for me!
Reply:ask god
Reply:Well, you are a baby only for a short time after all...

But I agree, I kinda wish we had another chance then have to worry about keeping this set just fine for the rest of our lives. I have weak tooth genes from my family as it is.
Reply:Cause humans are genetically diphyodonts
Reply:we were never intended to out live that second set of teeth. With all of the advances in modern medicine though we unfortunately do. Bummer huh.
Reply:well, humans were intended to not eat meats(thats why are teeth are dull unlike most carnivorous animals which have sharp teeth) so we probably didnt need a third set because plants dont really damage teeth... whereas meat does so most other carnivores have many sets of teeth... like sharks.
Reply:we never needed a third set.

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