Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is there an explanation as to why kid's teeth grow in crooked after they lose their baby teeth?

Is it genetic or is there any other explanation that explain why their teeth grow in crooked besides "they just do"?

Is there an explanation as to why kid's teeth grow in crooked after they lose their baby teeth?
Baby teeth serve as space maintainers. If lost prematurely, the rest of the teeth will drift and the space will close up, and the permanent tooth might come in crooked because there is insufficient space.

That is the reason why it's important to ensure a child's baby teeth are healthy all the way until they are about to be shed.

Hope this helps.
Reply:I was wondering that the other day, also, why is it that people of African desent need braces far less often than others? Is it just because mouths are bigger? xx
Reply:Genetics are a big part of it, although sometime a tooth will come in crooked , because the root tip of the baby tooth didn't dissolve and the permanent tooth grows behind or in front of it, but then again that too is basically genetics. size of teeth and mouth all play a role and that too is all from the good ole family gene pool.
Reply:From personal experience, I don't think it's all about genetics, because both of my parents have straight teeth, but after I lost my baby teeth, I had a problem. chances are if you have big teeth, you need a big mouth, or there will be some major crowding. Also if you have small teeth, it's probably better to have a small mouth, or there may be large gaps. I experienced crowding, I had to see an oral surgeon and he had to remove my 4 back teeth because I didnt have enough room in my mouth for all those teeth, then I had to go through 2 years of braces. Now my teeth are straight, and I'm happy.

my cat

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