Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When did you baby get teeth ?

my son is 10 months old and still No teeth . He is alreadt on solid foods and dose very well gumming them but their are some things i have to keep from him, because i am scared to death of him choking . he dont any baby food , started refusing it over a month ago . Any meal ideas would be great also

When did you baby get teeth ?
My son was almost 7 months. But it is actually better for them to get there teeth later because if you think about it the longer they have their teeth the easier it'll be for them to decay before they loose them and get new teeth. I know many ppl this has happened to also. One girl had teeth at 3 months. And her two front teeth ended up grayish. and she did take care of her teeth. So don't worry about that. He can handle it. cause most babies can't get the food back there til they're are able to handle it...if that makes any sence...
Reply:My son got his first tooth when he was four months old. My nephew, though, didn't get his until he was about a year old. Each child is different. I wouldn't worry right now. Mash up anything that is soft. Even when they do have teeth, you have to be careful about it. Mine had teeth but he didn't know how to use them right! good for everyone. but if i were u, i would bring him to the pediatrician just in case...
Reply:take your time in feeding him to prevent choking, plus give him small niblets to chew. give it to him but be careful not to make your child obese. Obesity is crucial in our world. so dont feed him high in fats and sugars . train him to like fruits and veggies, and drink more water to juices.

good luck
Reply:My son just cut his first tooth this past Friday. He'll be 5 months old on Wednesday.

My best friends son didn't get his first teeth until he was almost a year old.

It varies for each child, don't worry! :)
Reply:Mine had 2 teeth by the 2nd month and 4 by 5 months old.... a friend of mine's child didnt have any teeth until he was 13 months old. I had to introduce foods to my son very slowly, mostly formula mixed with a little cereal, spoon fed... had to do that for almost a month before he would even try to swallow it. Maybe try adding some fruit juice to it to make cereal tasty and make it way too watery to choke on until he gets the hang of swallowing. GOOD LUCK and congrats on your son!
Reply:My son is 7 months old and no teeth yet. All of my other kids were around 12-14 months old before getting teeth.
Reply:About fourty -fiveyears ago .
Reply:I agree that it just varies with children. My oldest didn't teeth until she was over eight months old. And, her younger brother and sister were six and five months respectively. Honestly, the later they get them the better. Because, it usually means that a child will keep their baby teeth longer and the teeth tend to be stronger. That's just my opinion!
Reply:don't give him food that has to be chewed. Ask his PhD next time you see him.
Reply:my son is starting now to get his teeth and he is 6month old sometimes it takes time for a child to get mom told me i got my first teeth when i was 1year old.u just take care of him not to chok . to avoisd choking u can try and give him sweet potatoes,potatoes,mince meat cooked then he might not chok and after every meal give him water or freshmilk.
Reply:My sons was about 7 months old now is 9 with 5 teeth..Think about this..Their front teeth come in first and so on..babies dont chew with their front teeth they gum son may have 5 teeth but when it comes to eating they are not much help since he uses the back part to chew....he eats alot of things but also eats his baby food still....



brown rice

fruits smashed





veggies smashed or cut in small pieces
Reply:At 7mths. I think they check if still no teeth sometime after 12mths, to make sure the teeth are formed inside the gums. Some babies don't have teeth formed at all, but most are perfectly normal %26amp; they come through eventually.
Reply:my son got 2 teeth within a week of each other right after he turned 6 months old....
Reply:Every child is different, some may get theirs early while others don't get their first tooth up until about a year, it really depends. It has also been said that the timing the baby gets his/her first tooth depends on when the mother or father got theirs. My daughter started showing signs of teething at around 4 months old (drooling ALOT and sticking everything in her mouth) well she is now 7 months old and still has not gotten her first tooth. Some babies don't show any signs at all while others show every single sign just like some babies take a while to break there first teeth while other babies break one over night.The average baby usually pops his/her first tooth at around 7 months. If your baby has not gotten any teeth by the time he/she is a year then it's best you speak with his/her doctor. Hope i helped!
Reply:My daught will be a year next month. She started cutting her teeth at 2 1/2 months old. She already has 10 teeth. A lot of sleepless night here. I bought this item from Babies R Us. It is a mesh ring that you can out food in to help prevent choking. It works wonders.


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