Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby getting teeth?

hi my 4 month old daughter seems to be teething. BUT it looks like her eyeteeth. she has 2 white bumps where her eyeteeth would come through. she has no signs of any other teeth. she has been real grumpy, sort of red rosy rashy cheeks, chewing on anything she can get her hands on. has anyones baby had their eyeteeth come through first. i'm not real sure this is her teeth or not, but i'm wondering if it could be a possibility thanks.

Baby getting teeth?
It sounds like it. Give her a teething ring or anything that is ok to chew on. You might want to buy Baby Oragel to help ease the pain of the teeth coming in.
Reply:I don't remember which came through first with my nephew or other babies I know but there aren't any "rules" on babies teething. Which you already know. haha. seems that she has all the other signs of teething so I'd say, don't deny it! I guess it's kind of saying that a baby is "overdue" when his or her mom is still pregnant past the date that the almighty doctor says the baby should be born on. Ha. Anyway, babies' bodies know what they're doing so just go with the flow! :)
Reply:my daughter is doing the same at the moment. but there is four of them coming through and have been trying to for the last couple of months it's driving us both nuts.

But yes her teeth are coming
Reply:Yes, My son cut all four of his eye teeth first. There is not sure fire order that a baby's teeth should come in. We always said he had vampire teeth. Its normal. She may run some fever due to teething and may even get the poops a little as this too is normal. Keep plenty of ice and water on hand for a good bottle of ice cold water. This is really soothing to their gums and my sister has found teething tablets that are better than baby oragel at wal - Marts. Keep plenty of teething rings or pacifiers handy too and look out of the slobber.

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