Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Breastfeeding moms and baby's teeth question?

My son is 8 mos. old and has 6 teeth, four on top and two on bottom. We are still breastfeeding, after a two week spell of teething, severe nipple biting and decreased milk supply I am happy to report we are back on track!

My question(s)?

How old was your breastfed baby when he/she got teeth?

How many teeth does your baby have?

How long did you breastfeed after the teeth appeared?

Breastfeeding moms and baby's teeth question?
Congrats on sticking it out..I breastfed my first until she was second is now 8 months old and bites like there is no tomorrow..Any advice? I have tried saying no. He has two teeth and his top ones are now coming in...hence his bitting. I have cuts and nursing him is getting harder and harder but I don't want to give up. Any advice will welcomed
Reply:My son got teeth at 6 months. He now has 16 teeth and is 23 months and he still nurses. I am also nursing his baby brother who is almost 3 months and has no teeth.
Reply:My daughter was 4.5 months old when she got her first tooth. She is now 6 months old and has 6 teeth (2 on bottom, 4 on top). She's had those for close to a month now. She hasn't bitten me, yet, knock on wood. The only difficultly I've found with the teething is that it hurts HER to nurse and she will suck a little and then pull off screaming, and then suck a little and repeat the process.

Glad to hear you were able to get through the painful biting *ouch* :)
Reply:My daughter got 2 teeth the week before she turned 7 months old. She is about to be 9 months, still nursing, and still just 2 teeth!
Reply:i breastfed my 1st for 1 year and am now breastfeeding my 2nd who is 5 months! firstly, congrats on persevering, many mums would have quit so good on you!
Reply:My daughter cut a pair of teeth before hitting four months; still has just the two at almost 5.5mths...will nurse until she weans herself.

Kudos on getting through the teething-etc-etc!
Reply:My son started getting his teeth around 6 months and I breastfed him for 13 months. I'm glad you waited through the first few weeks of getting teeth. So many people will quit breastfeeding when their child gets teeth when there really is no need to. Once the baby gets used to having the teeth, you can teach them not to bite. Congratulations and good luck. I hope that you'll keep breastfeeding until your son is at least 1 year old.
Reply:I am nursing my 10-month-old. She got her first tooth at 7 months and now has 8 teeth. She has only really bitten me a couple of times and not hard. We did have a difficult time when she was teething one time because it seemed to hurt her to nurse, but she is nursing fine now. I plan to continue at least until a year and probably beyond.
Reply:My daughter's first two teeth came in when she was 4.5 months old. She is now 10 months old with 8 teeth and we are still nursing. She still bites sometimes now! I plan to nurse her until she is 2 or she self weans.
Reply:i can't believe your baby has that many teeth already. my son got his first tooth at eight months. he's now almost ten months and it doesn't look like he's teething. we are still breastfeeding. i always said i would wean him when he started to get teeth but i just can't. i've tried twice and he just does not want formula. he just loves to nurse and i feel bad taking that away from him before he's ready. he's still young enough to nurse a little longer. i guess i'll breastfeed until he's a year old and try to wean again. good luck and congrats on breastfeeding.
Reply:My son got his first teeth at 7 months. He's now 20 months and still nursing. Kudos on sticking with it and not giving up!!
Reply:6 months when teeth came through...

two teeny tiny bottom front teeth....but she's got some strong jaws! ouuuch!

7 1/2 months, 'still' breastfeeding and plan to until she weens herself.

*she bit a couple of times and so i started using lanolin cream and then any time she bit i would press her in...usually baby only bites when they are not fully latched...when the nipple is just hanging out in if you press them into the breast, they will either continue nursing, or twist their head and completely unlatch...*
Reply:My mom and I were talking about this last night in length as my 5 month old has just started teething. I can't talk from my own experience, but I can talk from hers.

With my mom's first child (me), teeth did not appear until 11.5 months, and she kept nursing until I self-weaned around 15 months. When I did bite on a couple occasions, I was old enough that she could say "no" and/or flick my cheek to get me to stop.

With my mom's second child (my brother), teeth appeared around 5 months. He was a really bad biter and she had to wean him around 8 months because of this. She was trying all of her doctor's suggestions to get him to stop biting but it just wasn't working. At the 8th month mark, it became mutually beneficial to just stop. My brother, quite mobile already at 8 months, just wasn't interested in it any more.

I know you've struggled with your supply and breastfeeding in the last couple weeks. I'm SO happy to hear that things are going better now :) Good for you for perservering!!!
Reply:My son is almost 4 months and he is getting 2 teeth on the bottom. He has started biting and it hurts but because I wasnt able to breastfeed my older 2 kids as long as I have this one, I dont do anything about it because I dont want to deter the BFing. I am hoping that he stops biting, because due to the biting, my nipples have sore/bleeding spots. I have started taking him from the breast when he bites and wait 4 him to see that he is not getting any "ninny" and then put him back on. I have heard that this works so hopefully this will keep him from attacking me. haha I am so glad that you are back on track. Good luck and if you want you can email me!


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